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Lucia di Lammermoor

Lucia di Lammermoor

Friday, March 22, 2024 & Sunday, March 24, 2024
An intruder is detected near the Scottish home of the Ashton family (Lammermoor Castle). A guard confirms to Enrico, Lord of Lammermoor, that the intruder is Edgardo of Ravenswood, a long rival. He has come for Lucia, Enrico’s sister. Lucia meets Edgardo, and they exchange rings and vow to marry. Meanwhile, Enrico works to marry Lucia off to Lord Arturo Bucklaw by using a forged letter to show that Edgardo has taken a new lover. He also recruits his chaplain and Lucia’s tutor, Raimondo, to apply pressure. Although Lucia is distressed, Arturo arrives, and the marriage contract is signed. Edgardo then appears, livid at Lucia’s apparent betrayal. Later, Enrico challenges Edgardo to a duel, claiming that Lucia is happily married. Back at Lammermoor Castle, Raimondo interrupts the celebrations to inform everyone that Lucia has gone mad and killed her new groom Arturo. Enrico, first incensed at Lucia, soon softens when he realizes her mental state. Finally, Enrico meets Edgardo at the Ravenswood family graveyard for the duel. When Edgardo learns that Lucia is dying, he stabs himself with a dagger, hoping to reunite with his love in Heaven.